What to Do About Child Custody While Separated

What to Do About Child Custody While Separated

When couples separate it is important for kids to know that both their parents still love and care for them. Depending on the age of your children, their temperaments, and their developmental needs, this could mean weekly visitation or even routine check-ins on the phone. But in that time between separation and a final child…

What to Expect at Your Attorney Consultation

What to Expect at Your Attorney Consultation

Pre-pandemic, almost all attorney consultations were in person.  Now with COVID-19, many attorneys are offering virtual consultations via Zoom or by telephone.     The information you share with the attorney at the consultation is confidential, and you do not need to be concerned with other people knowing what was said or discussed.  The length of consultations…

Should I Stay in my House for the Kids?

Should I Stay in my House for the Kids?

When dealing with divorce, many of our clients want to make the disruption to their children as minimal as possible. One question that often comes up is: should I stay in the house for my children? It is a difficult question to answer and dependent on your specific circumstances. In a perfect world, staying in…

Know Your Finances

Know Your Finances

If you are contemplating separation, there are documents you need to gather and information you need to know. (This article is not geared towards someone living in a domestic violence situation, in which case your safety is of the upmost importance and documents can be obtained later). You need to know and understand your current…


Custody and Visitation During COVID-19 Recommendations by the Family Court Advisory Commission

The Family Court Advisory Commission (FCAC) provides a coordinated approach to the development, management, and evolution of North Carolina’s Family Court Program. Members of the FCAC meet quarterly and are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina for a three-year term. Members include judges from both appellate courts, chief district…

My Spouse wants a Divorce.  What do I do now?

My Spouse wants a Divorce. What do I do now?

Saying it’s difficult to hear your spouse ask for a divorce is an understatement. Divorce is often listed as one of the most stressful life situations, second only to dealing with the death of a spouse. Whether you knew this day was on the horizon or if it caught you by complete surprise, you must…

How does COVID-19 Impact my Custody Schedule?

How does COVID-19 Impact my Custody Schedule?

While many contracts for the sale of goods or services include provisions or exclusions about epidemics and pandemics, I have yet to see a custody order or agreement even contemplate or guide parents on how to navigate the complexities surrounding COVID-19.  We are in unchartered territory for family law attorneys and judges alike.  There is…